Bathroom Sink, 11x14 inchesBowl of Plums, 9 x 12 inchesBourbon Biscuit, 5x7 inchesChocolate Chip Coookie, 8x8 inchesChocolate Chip Cookie, 8x8 inchesChocolate Doughnut, 5x7 inchesHanging Blanket, 8x10 inchesHanging Serviette, 9x12 inchesHanging Tea Towel, 8x10 inchesNapkin Reflection, 11x14 inchesPeas in a Pod on Plate, 9x12 inchesSnowdrops in A Vase, 9x12 inchesPoppies on The Windowsill, 12x16 inchesBottles and Refraction, 12x16 inchesThe Single Plum, 8x8 inchesHead To Toe Mackerel, 8x10 inchesStill Life With Fish On A Plate, 9x11 inchesThe Cream Jacket, 11x14 inchesThe Hallway, 12x12 inchesThe Old Stairway. 16x20 inchesThe Wedding Band, 8x8 inchesThe Hanging Blue Napkin, 8x12 inches